The Reader Reads: An Evening out of the Workshop (#2) 28.06.24 in Berlin, Lettrétage in der Veteranenstr.

Freitag 28.06.24
Einlass: 19:00, Beginn: 19:30
Lettrétage in der Veteranenstr. , Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin

Tickets – The Reader Reads: An Evening out of the Workshop (#2) Berlin

The Reader Reads: An Evening out of the Workshop (#2)0,00 € 


We’re back! And we too can hardly believe that it’s already been a fall and a spring of workshops and writing! But all these poems have been composed, essays envisioned, and fiction imagined. Time must have passed! Join us and the rest of The Reader Berlin community to hear what everyone's been working on this past year—and to celebrate the summer’s advent. Our writers in Berlin have been penning personal essays and memoirs, spinning out speculative flash fiction, writing poetry, and polishing short stories for submission. Stop by for a listen.

Tutor and writer Sanders Isaac Bernstein will moderate the evening of readings.

Sanders Isaac Bernstein
, born in London, grew up in New Jersey (USA). His writing has appeared, among other places, in, Jewish Currents and The Bad Version, which he founded and edited from 2011-2014, and most recently in Coda Story and The Baffler. He holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Southern California and currently works as Stage Editor of Exberliner.He has led writing workshops at The Reader since 2021.

Founded by Victoria Gosling in 2011, The Reader Berlin has been hosting creative writing workshops, seminars, events, and get-togethers for over a decade. Berlin is our home and we’re very much part of the international community of writers here. Writing can be joyous but it is solitary; we aim to bring writers together, to share contacts and build bridges to the publishing industry.