Oh, That Hand of Yours | A High-Level Trauma 15.09.23 in Berlin, Lettrétage

Freitag 15.09.23
Einlass: 19:30 Uhr, Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Lettrétage, Veteranenstr. 21, 10119 Berlin

Tickets – Oh, That Hand of Yours | A High-Level Trauma Berlin


A Book release, lecture-performance  and text-based art exhibition with Artemis Chrysostomidou

Poetry, text-based art, worlds full of contradictions, women, mistakes and forgiveness. OH, THAT HAND OF YOURS was written trying not to injure the present. 

The lecture-performance THIS IS A HIGH-LEVEL TRAUMA will be a dialogue between the book and the theatrical performances presented by the author Artemis Chrysostomidou during the writing of the book, with music, video and text excerpts.

In the second part of the evening, professor of design, anthropologist and curator, Emily Smith, will talk about the book.

In the third and final part of the evening, music, composed by Lia Stavropoulou for the author’s theatrical performances of the last years, will accompany a text-based art exhibition, using texts from the book.